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Roundtable with MPS, SFF, and SGM

Scottish Grantmakers and Scottish Funders Forum are working with Migration Policy Scotland (MPS) to host a discussion surrounding migration in Scotland.

Scotland has experienced the fastest growing migrant population of all UK nations over the past 20 years with Polish people recently overtaking Pakistan-born people as the largest group. Following the end of free movement we are seeing further significant changes in the size and composition of Scotland’s migrant population. While many of us will be familiar with work supporting refugees and asylum seekers, 90% of migration is termed non-protection migration – people arriving in Scotland to work, study or for family reasons. Understanding their experiences and addressing the challenges they face is an important, but almost routinely disregarded, aspect of combating poverty, exclusion and racial inequity. Building stronger communities and a brighter future requires greater awareness and understanding of migration’s role in Scotland.

Key topics to be covered include:

  • The experiences of migrants and refugees in Scotland.

  • The impact of migration on Scottish society.

  • The role of charities in supporting migrant communities.

  • Policies and practices affecting migrants and refugees.

  • Building inclusive and welcoming communities.

  • How grant making can support migrant communities.

  • Where grant making is required within migrant communities.

MPS are a fairly new charity in Scotland who have a really strong understanding of the Scottish context for migrants and what this means for Scotland. They carry out an annual attitudes survey to immigration and regularly inform Scottish Government on policy relating to migration. You can find out more on their website  here. This is an opportunity to learn more about the work MPS do, understand more about the current position of migration in Scotland and how this impacts the work we do and the work we support.


Roundtable Participants

June 11

Open Members' Meeting - Culture

September 24

Annual Conference