SFF, SCVO and SGM – Funder conversation and reflections on the shape of the sector 8 November 2023
With our colleagues at SFF and SCVO, we were delighted to host a panel discussion on 8 November 2023, in a fully booked session at the SCVO The Gathering. The event brought together our networks with the communities we seek to serve, to discuss funders’ responsibilities and influence in the third sector.
Seven experienced and diverse panellists joined together at the EICC to discuss topics covering collaboration and partnership with charities, being environmentally driven, practical and purposeful governance across Scotland, and EDI responsibility for funders.
Image of panelists
Kaylie Allen, Director of Funds with Inspiring Scotland, and Dr Sophie Fleming, Chief Executive of Cattanach, started the panel discussion by speaking on collaboration and funding in both the private and public sector. They addressed issues funders often face when granting funds to smaller organisations whose needs often stretch beyond one single project.
Image of Dr. Sophie Fleming with Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf
Segueing into an example by Andy Duncan, the Chief Executive of Gannochy Trust, described his organization’s use of local partnerships within his organization’s community and other local charitable bodies. In order to remain involved in the community and ensure a larger outreach, Gannochy Trust has partnered up with the local council for a Universal Youth Service Partnership. This agreement allows the work of Gannochy Trust to be felt across five local authorities within Perth and Kinross.
Image of session attenders
Also discussed in this session was the need for funders to address Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion concerns. Elaine Wilson, Head of Learning & Development and Shelley Gray, Head of Policy and Communications at Corra, discussed their charity’s internal efforts to make applications to funds more accessible for all groups. Highlighting the concept of power in society and those who are in a position of restriction to means which are necessary for traditional applications, i.e., computer, literacy, physical abilities, time, Corra have reflected on obstacles which may deter those with the most need and adapted their application process to better accessibility.
Image of session attenders
Fitting in well with discussions on equality and fairness, Dr Jim McCormick, Chief Executive of The Robertson Trust, discussed the need to accommodate charity workers and volunteers who often go under appreciated in the sector. Dr McCormick reiterated the necessity to appreciate and recognise the emotional labour workers in the third sector often put into their work. He emphasised the fair pay and consideration these workers deserve.
For resources shared by the session’s panellist, please read below. Overall, the session was a great success and allowed funders and applicants to discuss the third sector and its future.
We hope to see you at the next SGM event. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact SGM at scottishgrantmakers@wssociety.co.uk.
Helpful resources on collaboration and partnership, please read Climate Solutions Partnership and Universal Youth Service Partnership.
For helpful recourses on equity and systematic change to improve inclusion practices, please read ACF_40_Pillars_of_Stronger_Foundation_Practice.pdf , ACF_DEI_Thepillarsofstrongerfoundationpractice_final.pdf and 360Giving GrantNav (threesixtygiving.org).
Finally, resources on fairer funding can be found here Open and trusting grant-making - Flexible Funders - IVAR UK , Fair Work in the Third Sector in Scotland and Christie Commission.